Menu of the Day
Eating: nothing right now, but I'm hungry so i'm going to go find something soon. maybe a mango.
Drinking: nothing, I'm parched too, I'm going to go get some juice, maybe I should have done both of those things ahead of time so I actually had something to put on here.
Pandora: I have fallen in love with the Vitamin String Quartet. Yes, Quartet, its sooo good though, its really modern, and I have it mixed with John Mayer & JJ grey Radio those three combined come up with the BEST songs. I love pandora.
Job Searching: is a pain in the ass, it is SO much work. Writing cover letters for EACH company (and after a couple days when you've already applied to the companies you know you love you start applying for companies you've never heard of so you have to sit and research the company and find a way to genuinely say "i love your work" Nothing has come up yet.
Tip of the week: Pureed Cauliflower in replacement of mashed potatoes. it actually is the exact same consistency and you can add stuff to it the same you would for potatoes if you eat it plain it just taste like cauliflower. you cook it, use a food processor, and then a blender to puree it. it doesnt work going straight to the blender (cauliflower is too hard of a vegetable even when you cook it) and leaving it "food processed" makes it stringy and not at all like mashed potatoes. for weight watchers its a zero point meal. (depending on what you add to it.
2011 new years resolutions
1. cut out fast food, pretty much entirely.
2. start running on a daily basis
3. get a job
4. move out, yet again, for hopefully the final-ish time
5. finish a crossword puzzle, they are damn hard!
6. finish a diabolical sudoku puzzle, have yet to ever do it!
7. get to my goal weight
8. more photography
9. marry jon stewart
10. meet barack obama