picture: i wish i could take credit for this picture because its SO clever! I just posted it cause I think its hilarious I dont even remember where I found it, somewhere online. I think I want to do a photoshop series with ideas like this.
What I'm doing: Sitting on my bed with the dogs listening to my IPod, I have a lazy day today so I'm just relaxing
What I've done so far: I cleaned the apartment, called tech support for my computer (was on the phone for 2 hours but it was totally worth it.) and fixed my carpet that is in my bedroom. pretty productive!!
excited for: i'm going to sushi tonight with my friend Stephanie, I'm obsessed with this sushi restaurant by my house, its like 2 blocks away, super cheap during happy hour and is fabulous. I am obsessed with sushi.
drinking: water. bottled.
eating: absolutely nothing but I think thats going to change when I finish posting this blog.
listening: Peter Frampton - Baby I love Your way. what a classic. I was defintiely born in the wrong era.
thinking: wow i have really bad posture right now, my neck is killing me. i have no shifted my posture after I typed this outloud. can you type outloud? I like to think so.
happy about: i'm having like a fabulous hair day. I'm really happy about it! haha (you'll see below I talk more about this. haha)
loving: Office quotes, I now have standing jokes with my friends when we will randomly text each other quotes from the office and since we are all such big fans we know its quote and its a game where you have to send another back
some of my favorite office quotes lately:
"I have eaten so much left-over guacomle over the years, I dont even know why I make it in such large quanities"
"in the islands they dont make you do stupid things like inventory"
"fun fact. I share a birthday with Eva Longoria, so if i ever met Teri Hatcher i'll have the perfect ice breaker"
"i want people to be afraid of how much they love me"
"sometimes i start a sentence and i dont even really know where its going i just hope ill find it along the way"
Okay here we go. the blog. A list of things. superficial things.
1. technology. Its a love/hate relationship (mainly only when it fails) but it truly is an amazing thing and everything we can now do with technology is beyond amazing. I've been having trouble with my computer lately so I called the HP tech support today and they take over your computer (so they are controlling your screen its really cool) and the guy goes "You know I'm controlling your computer from India right now? Cool, Huh?" haha but he was so right.
2. hair product. I really dont normally use a lot of hair product but right now with my prednisone/steroids making my cheeks all puffy i need my hair curly and big to help balance out my face and I put some curl cream (from bumbleandbumble) in it last night after I showered, Put it in a little bun went to bed and today i'm having a fabulous hair day! I will also say in addition to hair product I love hair...what would you call it. tools? like my hair straightner.
3. vacuum cleaners. I love to vacuum, and it always disgust me when I empty the little bucket of all the grim and dust but then i think "thank god i have the vacuum to pick it up" but its why I truly DISPISE carpet. I think all carpet should rot in hell its the worst thing on our planet (dont get me started even further.)
4. student discounts. I think student discounts should be EVERYwhere, and they pretty much are and I think its completely valid. I hate AAA discounts and senior citizen discounts (totally support military though) but we are students I think computer programs and museum admissions, things that are going to help us study should totally be there for us, especially since everyone knows students are broke.
5. Email. this kind of goes under technology but its just so a great thing to know that I can email my cousins in scotland, for free, and keep in great contact. Email has connected my life more than a telephone even has. facebook is truly falling into this same category though, its a great thing as well. I keep waiting for it to die off the way Myspace and AIM did but I think facebook is here to stay (myspace and AIM were definitley an age thing so I think since facebook is truly all ages it will last)
6. online banking. technology yet again but oh what i would do without online banking. it has saved me so many times and you can transfer money through accounts with the click of a button and pay bills its so nice. and everyone says you have to keep a check register (you older generations) BUT like the time my sister had my debit card on her and ended up accdientially using it at the bar one night, she wouldnt have told me she used it because she didnt know till the next morning when i checked my account online LOL
7. the democratic party. I dont have a whole paragraph to write about the DNC but I just know I'm grateful for them, I feel like their heart (most of the time) is always in the right place and to me, sometimes, thats all that matters.
8. chapstick. I dont think I need to write a whole paragraph about this either because I think its pretty self-explanatory. I like my lips un-chapped.
9. music. yet another I dont need to explain.
10. colors. I dont know what I would do without colors, I am a very colorful person metaphorically but I also just love colors in general they are such a wonderful way to express yourself and can make the biggest differences aesthetically. its definitley a good thing I'm studying design and colors : )