I just moved in this weekend to a new apartment with my sister; a 2-bedroom/2-bath right in downtown seattle, its a great place for the two dogs they have lots of room to run around and the extra space is so nice compared to the old 500SF studio I had before.
a view from our balcony at night time, i'm hoping they put lights on these trees out front to give it a nice holiday feel.
the walls are white but not in an annoying boring way, it seems more consistent and just makes the apartment brighter. and once we get more pictures and furniture it will all be colorful and it will work out. i also remember a quote one time "i decorate in white because my friends are all so colorful"
we have a great little fireplace, and the building pays for the gas so its like free heat! my cousin Brian and his friend Shane hung the picture above the fireplace kind of as a joke but Ash and I really liked it so we left it, we ended up moving the pictures below because they were all family photos and she felt the picture above was "sex" and it made her want to throw up, so we took them off she wants to put a bunch of PBR (cheap beer) cans but I am refusing that idea (she thinks it goes better with the picture) but i said PBR cans would be really tacky and the picture isnt tacky sex, i said to put little tiny tea-lights but then she thinks thats like there is fire going up her crotch -- haha so i guess we'll figure SOMETHING out lol
and here is just a shot of my bedroom with the two dogs, the curtains came out really weird in this photo (i have a really crappy camera) but my window looks out onto the courtyard/pool and we are on the first floor so anyone can look in so i will just keep those curtains closed pretty much all the time. by the way thats my dog oliver on the ground, but thats his tail not his head LOL and thats my sisters dog, Chloe sitting on the bed shes small and blends in with my bedding a little too much lol

the dogs are having a great time, oliver had his ball-removal surgery so we dont have to worry about puppies but they have a blast together and ash and i switch off walking them together which is actually the funniest thing you've ever seen. however when we tried to feed them oliver just tries to eat all of chloes food and so chloe runs in my bathroom (where i feed oliver) and eats all olivers food
the kictchen has horrible storage, all the cabinets are very skinny so we dont have any cabinets for dishes really so we have most of them above the fridge and then i had a little black wooden hutch that holds alot of the other dishes. but we look like we have TONS of food because the cabinets are so packed.
the kictchen has horrible storage, all the cabinets are very skinny so we dont have any cabinets for dishes really so we have most of them above the fridge and then i had a little black wooden hutch that holds alot of the other dishes. but we look like we have TONS of food because the cabinets are so packed.

and here is just a shot of my bedroom with the two dogs, the curtains came out really weird in this photo (i have a really crappy camera) but my window looks out onto the courtyard/pool and we are on the first floor so anyone can look in so i will just keep those curtains closed pretty much all the time. by the way thats my dog oliver on the ground, but thats his tail not his head LOL and thats my sisters dog, Chloe sitting on the bed shes small and blends in with my bedding a little too much lol