there is a very complicated thing in our culture of life, and it is called work. originally work was for living, you worked to earn money so that you could live the lifestyle that you wanted to live, back in the days people grew crops and did farm work (or whatever they did) so that they could eat and sell their produce and buy neccesitys like clothes and groceries, now we have become a very superficial society and we need things like Iphones and flatscreen TVs and laptops and etc, and we work (or someone works for us) so that we can live these lifestyles of glamour.
but what do you do, when you work to live and you stop living? your work has consumed you so much that you dont have time to go out and you dont have time for your friends and family? you work all day, you come home exhausted and you do have time to hangout with friends, eat some dinner, kick back with a glass of wine, but you would rather just lay in bed, so thats what you do.
i luckily have amazing friends and not only did they point this out to me but they refused to let me sit at home, but if it wasnt for my friends i would have totally fallen into that hole and i would be working and working and studying and working...for nothing.
why work and kill your ass if your doing it for nothing? even if your job is something full of passion and love and something you love to do, well dont you need someone around you to share that with? dont you need an outlet outside of work besides sleeping and eating?
you work to live, so just make sure that you're living.
you don't have to give up you're prioties and you don't even need to rearrange them, and you may be tired every once in a while, but there isnt a time in youre life when your going to regret the fact that you have strong enough work ethic to work as hard as you did and still maintain your lifestyle and your definitley not going to regret all the memories you make and the laughs you shared.
(especially at my age, my college years are the last years i get to still be naive and still get to be childish, why would I give that time up early to work? i have my whole life to work.)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
is there any room left to be great?

And today in my History of Design class watching this really inspiring video on the great and amazing Mies Van Der Rohe (for those non-designers/architects, he was the most imaginative architect of the 20th and even 21st century, his work is amazing) and I started thinking, im sure like everyone has thought before “I wonder if one day students will be sitting in a classroom studying my work? Will I ever be in history books?”
But then I started thinking, are we at a time period where it’s almost impossible to stand out? Years ago these people stood out because they were the “first” the first to use steel and concrete and glass, and the first to use them in such ways and the first people to use bended plywood like Ray and Charles Eames. But are we at a time period where there are no “firsts” left, did all the greats like Mies Van Der Rohe and Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier,
Did all these people already do what can be done? I mean you have great architects now like Frank Gehry who did the EMP, but even Gehry isn’t groundbreaking famous, he’s not in any history books we only talk about him because he did this really cool design in Seattle and we live in Seattle.
Can anyone compare to these past marvels when nowadays you’re amongst SO many great and other talented designers? They say architecture is killed by the book, and the book is killed by the internet. Which means they’re saying architecture is to available, anyone can read a book and study it, and now even the book is killed and you can just Google whatever you want and seem just as smart as someone who studied for years and has a degree.
But is it really fair to compare and aspire to be these greats when maybe everything is already done? Maybe it was easier for them they weren’t so much competing and now we feed so much off one another, we feed off magazines and other designers and past designers, is our work…really our work? I mean back then when Mies Van Der Rohe was using Steel and Glass and making these amazing glass skyscrapers that was his own original thought, but are there any original thoughts left? Or is it all now a collaboration of other things?
The one thing about design is that your job and your career and even your schoolwork towards your degree isn’t about money, if it is you should get out, because design is art and art can never be about money or something so superficial, it needs to be about constant inspiration of greatness, it’s not about being better than others and being grandiose, it’s about making current life so amazingly natural, its noticed. Design is a problem waiting to be solved, and we will continue to solve them, but I think they’re just may not be room left for spectacular-famous-groundbreaking-will-study-for-years-to-come designers.
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